My First Open Source Contribution: "24 Pull Requests" Challenge Day 1


2 min read

Hey there, fellow open source enthusiasts! Happy December!! ๐Ÿ‘‹ Today marks the beginning of the 24 Pull Requests Challenge, an exciting journey leading up to Christmas where we get to contribute to open source projects. I'm thrilled to share my daily experiences with you, starting with Day 1!

Day 1: A Simple Yet Meaningful Start

For my first contribution, I dived into the world of open source through the first-contributions repository on GitHub. This project serves as a welcoming guide for beginners, providing a hands-on experience in making their first pull request.

The Challenge: Add My Name to a Text File

The task for today was straightforward yet impactful. After forking the repository, I added my name to the file which already contained names of other fellow first time contributors. It might seem like a small gesture, but it's these seemingly minor contributions that collectively make the open source community thrive.

The Process: Fork, Clone, Edit, Commit, and Pull Request

  1. Fork the Repository: I started by forking the "first-contributions" repository to have my own copy on GitHub.

  2. Clone to Local Machine: Next, I cloned my forked repository to my local machine using Git.

  3. Edit the File: Using a simple text editor, I added my name to the Contributors(dot)md file.

  4. Commit Changes: After making the edit, I committed the changes with a descriptive commit message.

  5. Create a Pull Request: The final step involved creating a pull request to merge my changes back into the original repository.

Reflections on Day 1

This experience was not just about adding my name to a list; it was about taking the first step into the collaborative world of open source. The "first-contributions" project provides an excellent platform for beginners like me to get hands-on practice and gain confidence in the contribution process.

What's Next?

I'm excited to continue this journey and share my insights with you daily. Each day brings a new opportunity to learn, grow, and make a positive impact on the open source community.

Stay tuned for more updates on my 24 Pull Request Challenge! ๐Ÿš€
